In an effort to clarify the appropriateness of “Day Drinking,” I thought that I might outline some key Caregiving moments that may require Wine.
Wine pairs perfectly with many Caregiver Activities such as:
- Before and After the “Grocery Store” with my Mother
- While doing the laundry
- When cleaning a toilet that has over-flowed due to overuse of “Flushable Wipes”
- Before bed (similar to how you brush your teeth before bedtime)
- Whenever you brush your teeth for that matter (lol. Just kidding.)
- Upon returning from the ordeal of unnecessary doctor’s appointments
- Whenever speaking to Health or Service Providers for Seniors
- While Cooking any of the “3 Meals a Day”
All of these activities are also an appropriate time to “WHINE.”
Let me explain what I mean by unnecessary doctor’s appointment. Let’s take the “Bone Density Test,” for instance. I was suspicious of the necessity for such an examination; therefore, I questioned the Technician performing the exam.
“I understand that you are measuring the bone-density of my elderly Mother.”
“Yes, I remember your Mom, she sees Dr. Do-Little, doesn’t she?”
“Yes, my question is, let’s say that the results indicate a loss of bone-density, at her age what is there to be done?”
“Well, the key to having good bone density at her age is taking care of yourself at your age.”
“You should make sure that you have enough vitamin D, maintain a healthy diet and of course exercise.”
“So, there is nothing to be done for her now if you determine a loss of bone density?”
“We keep track of the results.” She said in a voice just above a whisper.
That is what I refer to as an unnecessary doctor’s appointment. And we have had many because although my Mom’s insurance does not cover Home Health Care, the policy comes shining through in approvals for unnecessary doctor’s appointments and tests. Wine upon returning helps relieve the frustration of having to participate in these medical adventures.
Wine while cooking is every Chef’s delight. All cooking show Chefs are quick to say, “You should only cook with Wine that you enjoy drinking.”
For me, an exception to that rule would be “Pinot Grigio.” It’s not my favorite but it makes an excellent sauce for Seafood. Indeed, the secret to the delicious flavor of several of my Sauces is a splash to a cup of wine. And I do follow the Culinary rule of using a Wine that I enjoy drinking.
I’m a Chardonnay Girl by nature. I recommend “19 CRIMES – Martha’s Chard,” It is a tasty, slightly dry, refreshing, affordable everyday Chardonnay produced in partnership with Martha Stewart. Key words in that description being “everyday,” and “affordable.” Hanging out with Snoop Dogg, Martha Stewart has perfected the art of obtaining a buzz. And without a doubt, she would never lend her name to a wine that wasn’t a great addition to any recipe! A glass of Martha’s Chard is an excellent accompaniment to Caregiving.
As a matter of fact, if I were to develop a Caregiver’s Survival Kit with 13 items, (a list to be shared in the future), 3 of the 13 Items would be Wine,
Should you be worried about all the Wine?
As a close Family friend (who knows my Mom well) once said,
“You should be worried about running out of wine!”
DAY DRINKING – A Caregiver’s Conscience (
FLUSHABLE WIPES? – A Caregiver’s Conscience (
THE GROCERY STORE – A Caregiver’s Conscience (
3 Meals a Day – A Caregiver’s Conscience (