In a prior life, I was a Director of Marketing & Advertising; therefore, I know a thing or two about commercials.  I can generally tell you who the commercial is targeting in spite of on-camera images that appear to indicate otherwise. And I can explain the number one take-away that the Advertiser is trying to reinforce in the :30 second message.  Well, I can tell you those things provided the television commercial is done well.  But that was a lifetime ago–a life before Caregiving.

Today I did not wake up in the world of Advertising, of Writing or my world at all.  It’s a Caregiver World.  And so, today, I woke up as I do too many mornings to mention, to find a clogged toilet when I am in need of using the bathroom.  It’s not a good way to begin any day. I have long since eliminated Flushable Wipes from the shopping list; therefore, the cause of the clogged toilets these days is an overuse of toilet paper.  

I have tried numerous ways to eliminate the problem including an unproductive chat with my Mother.  I am generally a resourceful person, but I have yet to find a solution to the current problem.  Initially, I thought that a lesser “ply” toilet paper was the way to go.  Toilet paper is produced in 1-ply, 2-ply and 3-ply thickness.  The higher the number, the greater the thickness.  The greater the thickness, the greater the comfort, the greater the absorbency and the greater the probability of clogging the toilet.  Especially if a person is inclined to use more toilet paper than is actually needed.   And that describes my mother.

Not that I am policing the toilet paper usage; but I can clearly see when half the roll has been used in one sitting.  As I routinely unclog the toilet time after time, I am now an expert on household flushing and the common causes of the clog.   After one of the last un-clogging incidents, I finally realized that she was going to continue to use an extraordinary amount of toilet paper.   What’s a Caregiver to do?  I can eliminate Flushable Wipes, but toilet paper is a necessity. 

Thinking through the situation at hand, I decided to purchase a lower ply toilet paper.  If you look closely at the plethora of toilet paper, you will notice that every manufacturer has at least 3 options of toilet paper–Soft, Comfortable, and Absorbent.   The 1-ply option is typically the rolls with “Essential or Basic” in the product description.   I decided to begin purchasing the Essential, Basic brand for the foreseeable future. The rationale behind this decision is that she’ll use the same amount, but it will be half as thick and less likely to initiate an over-flowing toilet.  Score one for the Caregiver!

NOT, this morning as I put on my purple gloves, grabbed the bleach and un-clogging accessories, I had one thought in mind…

WTF!  Seriously–WTF!

As my Mom’s Caregiver, I too sacrificed my preferred brand of toilet paper for this over-flowing lesson in plumbing.  And it wasn’t a productive experiment. 

There is also a selection of “organic/green/natural” toilet paper which is supposedly designed to be better for the planet; but does not promise to be soft, comfortable, or absorbent.  Perhaps the paper disintegrates quickly thus being less likely to stop the toilet? I wonder.

My Caregiver’s Conscience is sternly advising “No, don’t do it! Do Not Go Organic with this!”

The Charmin Commercial for the Ultra Soft line entitled, “Roll it Back, Everybody!” addresses the situation I am currently facing as a Caregiver in a clever manner.  The consumer targeted by this commercial is an Adult 49+ years old.  The consumer is old enough to relate to the Fairy Tale, “Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.” And is responsible for or influences the toiletries purchase decision.  Choice of toilet paper seems to become more important as one gets older.  The overall message is, “you can use less Charmin than you would have to use with another brand.” The consumer take-away is that this toilet paper is a more efficient, effective and perhaps even a more economical way to ensure bathroom cleanliness. 

Just to amuse myself and perhaps make a much-needed point, I asked my Mother if she had seen the “Roll it Back,” Commercial with the 3 Bears.  

“Yes, it comes on all the time,” she replied quickly.

“So, what do you think about it? Do you get that they’re saying that if we use Charmin, we can use less?”

“I get that they’re telling the 3 Bears to Roll It Back! and don’t use all of the toilet paper! And to save some for Goldilocks!”

Well so much for my Advertising 101 Lesson of the Day.  Perhaps, I will read “Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. ” I always found it to be an entertaining little Fairy Tale and I can’t recall whatever became of Goldilocks!






As the 2023 Writers Strike officially ends today, the Caregiver’s Conscience Blog is once again written in Real Time.  Still Standing in solidarity with the Guild Members (SAG-AFTRA) who remain on Strike for the purpose of “Protecting our Creative Art.” 

For the latest information on the on-going Strike, please refer to Articles written in THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER at:

Search Results – The Hollywood Reporter

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