I’ve basically lived my life with the motto— “All I have to do is the very Best that I can do in every situation.”

That lead to a “Play 2 Win” attitude with which I still operate to the best of my ability.

That’s the deal with Caregiving. I am having a problem because my Best doesn’t seem to be good enough. I don’t feel like a Winner—I don’t even feel like a contender.


I am at a loss.  Even being and saying, “I am at a loss,” is not particularly encouraging.

I don’t think I would root for me.  And I have cheered for people who didn’t have any obvious chance of winning.  I mentioned that I have been a Los Angeles Clipper fan through all seasons, even the rough seasons.

As a Caregiver, I am having a rough existence.  From the beginning, I have been doubtful about success—partially because what does Caregiving Success actually look like?

I’m going to narrow it down to a simple sentence.  Each day when the Caregiver ends the day able to say, “Everyone is still alive,” it has been a successful day.

“My Mother is fine; she is well taking care of.”

The ability to say that (and mean it) each and every time that someone asks, “How’s your Mother?” means that I am successful.  At the very least, I am doing the best that I can.

Each morning as I begin the day immediately serving my Mom’s needs, I plan to do the best that I can to make it a good productive (successful) day.

When I prepare any of her three meals a day, I do so putting my heart, soul and all of my culinary talents into the food.

I do my absolute best to make sure that she takes her medication daily and is always comfortable and warm.

Keeping my temper and restraining my anger is not always easy but I do my best to limit any tantrums.  I try to remember that some of the things that frustrate me are beyond her control and the others I must learn to accept and ignore.

I make sure that she rarely, if ever, runs out of her preferred food, drinks, or health & beauty products.

And oh, how I try not to snap at anyone who repeats any of the key, “What not to say to a Caregiver” phrases. Or shout through the phone at the person who says, “You really have to take some time for yourself.”  Try as I might, I often find myself making an angry retort; but I do try not to. 

Upon reflection, I’m wondering if perhaps I am spending way…too much time trying?

I don’t think so.  My core skills and talents lie in other areas.  Therefore, in order to be a successful caregiver—a Winning Caregiver, I have to try.

I am trying.

I am doing my best.

And although sometimes I look in the mirror and don’t recognize the person looking back at me, I must remember to tell her,

“You’re doing your Best!”

Doing your Best and practice will eventually lead you to the Winner’s Circle.

One good thing about Caregiving is that it is not really a competition. Caregiving will never be an Olympic Sport. 




THE VOICES IN MY CAREGIVER HEAD – A Caregiver’s Conscience


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