It has happened. I knew that it would happen one day, but I was hoping that I was wrong. Caregiving has now entered my Dreams.
My dreams are important to me—not only my dreams as in my hopes and desires but my nightly dreams.
I have the unique ability to remember my dreams. It is a gift that I have cultivated. I recognized at a young age that most people do not remember their dreams. Once I realized that I did, I decided to write them down. Along with my daily journal, I actually keep a dream journal.
I believe that everyone has this potential; but they ignore it—either consciously or unconsciously. I don’t do that. Every morning, I wake up and write down my dreams of the night before. And I do that before I do anything else. That’s how I recognize and developed the ability of dream recall.
People believe a lot of different things about dreams from the fact that it is their self-conscious delivering messages to nightly dreams prophesying the future. I believe both of those things and almost every other explanation of the dream experience.
However, last night’s dream could also qualify as a nightmare. Caregiving disrupted my dream in the most obscene manner.
I was happily dreaming about being on a beach in Mexico when the scene abruptly changed. Before I was able to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine and the refreshing splash of the ocean, I was transported. All of the sudden, I was here—here where I wish I wasn’t. Here as a Caregiver.
In the dream, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. And I entered the lady’s room to find a clogged toilet. I was extremely frustrated and annoyed in the dream as I would be in real life. This has happened a few times before.
In the dream, I began the process of un-clogging the toilet as I would normally do—muttering and cursing to myself along the way. As I worked to regain the normal water flow, I pulled out a Depends.
I was flabbergasted. My Mother had apparently attempted to flush an entire Depend down the toilet.
I was angry, irritated, and totally at my wit’s end with the situation. And so, I decided to make a statement that could not be ignored. I decided to do something that would show my Mother exactly how I felt about once again facing a clogged toilet due to her irresponsibleness.
I retrieved the Depend—soaking wet and put it in the middle of my Mother’s bed. I did however put a piece of plastic underneath to make things easier for myself when I was forced to clean the mess I made. But I did it to prove point.
When my Mother entered the room, she saw the soaking wet Depend and exclaimed, “This doesn’t belong here!”
At that point in the dream and that moment in time, I awakened.
I woke up and was a tad anxious about what I might find in the bathroom. Remember, my dreams tend to come true and so I was hoping and praying that this was not one of the prophesying dreams.
And so, I just remained laying still in bed. As if I was really quiet and didn’t move too quickly, I would not find a clogged toilet. However, that could only last for so long. I got out of bed, went into the bathroom, and happily found the toilet working properly with all Depends in their proper place.
It was only a dream.
A nightmare perhaps but nothing that I had to deal with first thing in the morning.
I quickly wrote a few sentences recounting the dream in my journal and decided to leave all thoughts of the nightmare behind.
Caregiving in my waking life and apparently in my Dreams.
Maybe it is “All a Dream!”