The Caregiver’s Survival Kit contains thirteen (13) items.  I decided to put a limit on the number of items in the kit as the kit itself requires a great deal of space—if not physically, definitely mentally.


    1.   Wine
    2.    A corkscrew
    3.    Advil, Tylenol, THC/CBD Oil
    4.    An Escape Plan
    5.     Fond Memories of your past life
    6.     Patience
    7.     Wine
    8.     A Thick Skin
    9.     Music
    10.     Inner Peace
    11.     More than 2 People to Talk to
    12.     Dreams of YOUR Future
    13.     Wine

Further Instructions

If you’ve been reading “A Caregiver’s Conscience,” the Wine needs no further explanation. 

You will most probably need a corkscrew to open the Wine.

Advil, Tylenol, THC/CBD Oil or your pain medication of choice will be necessary for the multitude of headaches that come your way.

An escape plan aka “a place to run to.”  For me, that place is Jenny’s house, explained in “A Caregiver’s Escape.” It suffices to say, Jenny’s House is a safe haven conveniently located nearby. And it’s a good escape for a short period of time (less than 2-hours).

Fond memories otherwise referred to as “Misty Watercolor Memories of the way we were.”

Patience is a virtue which every Caregiver will develop by default.

Wine for the moments when thinking about your past life becomes depressing, when you have totally lost your patience or if Jenny isn’t home to provide a place to run to.

A Caregiver needs a “thick skin,” to endure the unflattering remarks about the Care you are earnestly trying to provide to a person who is a tad less than grateful.

Music truly does sooth the soul. 

Inner Peace obtained through any means necessary—Yoga, Screaming, Meditation, Prayer, or a good Cry.

You will need more than two people to talk to.  If you only have two people with whom to chat about the Cares and Concerns of a Caregiver, those two individuals with good intentions will burn out quickly.

As a Caregiver, you must not stop believing and you cannot leave your dreams to be deferred.  Dreams of a Future beyond Caregiving are an absolute must to survive the daily drudgery of the task. “I’ve seen the Future and It Will Be!”  I have been told that U will get your life back!

Surely, I do not have to explain the need for more Wine!


With all the wine, limit exposure to sharp objects such as a manicure kit for a self-pedicure; and do not operate heavy machinery.

I WANT TO LIVE! – A Caregiver’s Conscience (

WINE TIME (Day Drinking II) – A Caregiver’s Conscience (





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