It’s been two years…

It’s been two years and I have finally accepted the fact that my “Day Job,” is Caregiver.

I am no longer a Corporate Executive.  I am not someone who left the Ad Agency business to pursue my dream of being a Writer.  I am not simply “looking out for my Mom because it’s not safe for her to be alone.” I am a Caregiver.

Miriam-Webster’s dictionary defines Caregiver as “a person who provides direct care (as for children, elderly people or the chronically ill).” A quick Google search will inform one that the most common Caregiver is an unpaid relative.  Synonyms for Caregiver include but are not limited to Custodian, Guardian, Keeper, Attendant, Chaperone and Companion.  They left out the titles which further define a Caregiver’s daily duties such as Housekeeper, Cook, Waitress, Grocery Shopper, Appointment Secretary, Accountant and Garbage Collector. Just to name a few.

This knowledge has forced me to understand and accept that I am a Caregiver.  It’s what I do. It’s how people now view me. It is what my Mother expects from me.  It is essentially who I am.

So, in the last two years as the World has dealt with COVID 19 and all of the variants, I have been busy performing the responsibilities of a Caregiver.  And it has taken me the past 24 months to admit the truth to myself.


When someone asks what I do for a living, I quickly reply, “I am a Writer.”  And I say that even though the only writing that I have done lately is in my journal. I am a Writer and as such, I have decided to write about being a Caregiver.

I plan to specifically write about my Conscience and how it wrestles with my thoughts, actions, attitude and feelings about being my Mom’s Caregiver.

Oh, did I refer to Caregiver as being a “Day Job?” How I wish it was just a day job versus a 24-7 occupation.


Perhaps U can relate?

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